Friday, August 15, 2008

Do you know your "Body Burden" score?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has alerted us to our "Body Burden." By testing the blood of adults and babies, the EWG was able to see just how polluted our bodies are -- and the numbers are not pretty. Even the blood of the new-born babies had an amazing array of chemicals.

The products we use and are exposed to every day are loaded with chemicals. Think skin care, make-up, anti-bacterial soaps, household cleaners, carpeting, furniture, even our kids toys! The list is endless!

So are you curious what all this is doing to you and your family? Take the Body Burden test and see where you score. Then figure out what changes you can make to score better next time.

Being green is not just about the planet and the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) it's also about our health and the choices we make every time we purchase a product.

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