Friday, April 15, 2011

Earth Day, Every Day - Tip # 15 - Choose Organic

I know, way easier said than done.

I started slowly, adding a few organic products over a period of time.

I started first with organic carrots and apples.
They didn't cost much more than the conventional produce I was purchasing and they tasted so much better!

Gradually over time, I added more organic foods, milk, potatoes, lettuce.
As my budget adjusted, I added more until the majority of my purchases are now organic or local.

Still, it's not always easy. Often I forgo something because I just can't afford to pay the organic price, and I won't feed my family the conventional version.

I know organic is healthier for us and the planet, but it's sometimes a delicate balance of the wallet, and like many, I'm doing the best I can...

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