Often people think they have to go green all at once. I didn't and I'd venture to say that most go green gradually. It's a process. You start with one thing and then add another, and another.
Perhaps step one will be to flip out the light when you leave a room, turn off the water while you brush your teeth or replace a few incandescents with CFLs. Next you unplug energy hogs (like your TV) when not in use. I've purchased power strips for my elctronics and just flip them off when they're not being used.
I'd next encourage you to purchase an organic version of a food you're already buying. If you choose carrots or celery the cost difference is minimal.
Once you've done that, replace one or two regular cleaning products with non-toxic versions.
Before you know it, over time you'll have gone green and although some things may have cost you a bit more, others should have saved you some green.
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