October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month... and those cute little pink ribbons are on a gazillion products.
You can purchase pink appliances as well as well as sneakers and fitness equipment that support Komen for the Cure.
Also sporting the pink ribbon are sugar laden cereals, cake mixes and frostings, paraben containing makeup and personal care products, and cookies loaded with saturated fat. Now I realize the Marlboro man isn't sporting a pink ribbon but are all things "pink" really good for our health, and shouldn't they be?
For me, those pink ribbons won't change how I shop. I'll purchase the products I regularly do, virtually none of which have a pink connection. Then in honor of the month I'll gladly make a donation to one of my favorite charities, Community Cares, a non-profit that benefits young women dealing with a health crisis - usually cancer.
And of course I'll continue to educate and advocate for safer products, because GREEN really does go with everything, and perhaps safer products will lead to less cancer...
Best of Health,
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